Walk for Music Spotlight: Nora Janjar

How did you get involved with ZUMIX?

I started doing voice lessons with Jireh Calo, about seven years ago. And since then I’ve done so many things at ZUMIX! I started with a creative filmmaking class. Then I took radio class and Firehouse (also radio), and then I joined Beware of Denise, which is the ZUMIX rock ensemble. And I also joined the Zumix Teen Council. 

This is my third year on the ZTC. I love all the events that we do. We run the Speaker Series, the ZUMIX Birthday Bop open mic, the annual sleepover…It’s so fun to plan events with other people. 

What keeps you coming back to ZUMIX? 

It feels like I grew up here. I love all the people, and just being able to sing and create music together. 

I sing a lot of gigs with Beware of Denise. We do a lot of Radiohead, some Muze, other bands like System of a Down and the Drive In. I even dressed up as Serj [from System of a Down] for Halloween!

I feel like I also grew up with a lot of the staff here. I look up to a lot of them, specifically Jireh. She’s such a part of ZUMIX – I’ve been with her for so long. I was one of her first students. 

What do you like about Walk for Music

Walk for Music to me is like the definition of summer. Everybody’s having a party, there’s food, there’s music. I think it’s so fun!

Why do you Walk for Music?

Because it’s important! Music is very important to me and my life. I honestly don’t know what I would do without music. 

Nora Janjar is a high school student and ZUMIX participant.