Walk for Music Spotlight: Omar Sosa

What do you like about Walk for Music?

It’s an opportunity for the entire community to get together, and support the work of ZUMIX. There’s a band that usually walks with us, the Hot Tamale Brass Band, and that livens it up. It’s a great kickoff to the summer. 

I was involved a few times as a ZUMIX participant, and that was cool. I also loved when other organizations used to join us and we would walk together. 

We put together a staff band last year – that was a lot of fun. It was a great way to get as many AIM staff members involved as possible. It was nice that they gave their time to learn the music and play for folks.

I also made a bigger push than past years, trying to get the AIM team energized around fundraising. Several of the AIM instructors got really excited about the fundraising aspect. The Walk is a good opportunity to contact folks that we’ve partnered with, and ask for their support.

Do you have a favorite Walk for Music memory?

I love the group picture. I know it happens every year, but it’s really cool to see everyone together. 

Why do you Walk for Music

I have been playing music my whole life. I’m not quite as connected to the act of playing as I used to be, but it’s still a really important part of my life. It gave me direction when I didn’t really have much of that, and I believe it’s important for people to have something like that in their lives. 

It’s great that we’re able to fundraise for the programming here through Walk for Music. ZUMIX is a really good place for folks to grow into themselves. And, you know, music is pretty cool.

Omar Sosa is a ZUMIX alumnus and the former Instrumental Music Manager at ZUMIX. Donate to his Walk for Music page here!